1 in 40 adults have OCD or will develop it at some point in their lives.
If you or someone you know is struggling from a mental health condition, we encourage you to watch this movie.

Movie Details
“PURE O” is a feature length drama based on a true story.
A rehab counselor questions his sanity when he is diagnosed with a crippling form of OCD known as Pure Obsessional. With the help of his friends, a therapy group, and his addiction recovery clients, he discovers the life-affirming power of community in order to fight through the darkest moment of his life.
A brutally honest portrayal of a misunderstood mental health condition and the heart-warming struggle to conquer it.
To anyone who has ever suffered in silence with mental health issues, or has ever had a loved one with anxiety, depression, or OCD – this film is for you.
Pure O, or purely obsessional OCD, is when individuals experience intrusive thoughts (obsessions) but don't engage in compulsions to alleviate the anxiety. These thoughts become incredibly debilitating, potentially leading to depression, suffering, and isolation.
Pure O is dreadfully cruel. It clings to the things you care about the most and steals the beauty from everything.
Treatment for Pure O typically involves cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and/or medication, similar to other forms of OCD.
What people are saying…
"I was so impressed to see Pure OCD accurately represented in a form that sufferers around the globe will be able to relate to."
Chrissie Hodges, Executive Director of OCD Gamechangers
"A great film to watch with loved ones so they can get a better understanding of topics that are scary to talk about."
Esther Fernandez, Made of Millions
"There are a few films in a lifetime that you feel make you a better person having watched it. Pure O from Dillon Tucker is one of those films."
Signal Horizon
"A refreshing take on both mental illness and addiction, with both subjects addressed with an honesty and unashamed attitude that is inspiring and effective."
"Pure O provides a deeply personal and accurate chronicle of living with OCD like few, if any, films and television shows have done before."
The Holo Files
"Pure O is raw and emotional, refusing to hold back, leaving audiences reeling from the emotional impact."
Elements of Madness